About Us

Ethereal Visions Publishing emerged from the love of beautifully illustrated books.

Ethereal Visions Publishing isn’t your typical publishing company. This business was founded in 2017 by a husband and wife team, Matt and Hope Hughes, created out of love for art and books.

The company started with a small (well, maybe not so small) project, The Ethereal Visions Tarot, that combined the RWS tarot imagery, Hope’s love of mythology and history, with Matt’s love of Art Nouveau. We were astounded by how many people loved the deck with its beautiful gold foil, so we decided this was our calling - our passion. We wanted to create books and card decks that we would love in our collection - all of our products are inspirational, beautiful, and timeless.

We appreciate all of you (yes, you, the one sitting here reading this) that support and make this company possible. We hope to continue making products that inspire, fascinate, and add beauty to your life!

Matt and Hope reside in Georgia with their five cats - Kyle, Loki, Stormy, Chester, and Mina (the real bosses).